Translation of technical texts at Multilingual

In every company, society, institute or other organisation sooner or later the need arises for a text to be translated into a foreign language, or into Slovenian. Every company uses various technical terms in their work, maybe slang, abbreviations and other types of adapted expressions. Translating these can be very problematic.

If you decide to have textual materials translated, we advise that you get them proofread first. The proofreader will be able to omit, add or correct the various expressions that are taken for granted by company employees, and this will in turn be of assistance to the translator.

Get your own permanent translator for your translation needs

If you find you often require translations and your company uses complex terminology from a very specific field, we recommend that you choose one translator or a permanent group of translators. Looking for the suitable foreign/Slovenian term that comes up in your text can take hours and hours of valuable time. The translator might even have to come up with a new word if it has not yet been translated into a certain language. It is especially difficult to translate newly created English terms into Slovenian, as these words cannot be found in any dictionary.

Due to this, it is extremely important that your text is always translated by the same translator or group of translators who work together and exchange ideas and experiences. Even if your translator is unavailable at the time, there would be someone to take their place who is familiar with the specific field of expertise.

Working together with the translator

During the translation process, we recommend that you work together closely with the translator, as in this way it will be much easier to determine and define any specific terms relating to your field of expertise. As it is impossible for the translator to be expertly familiar with all subjects, this ensures that the end result will be the best it can possibly be. 


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040 817 820 or

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